EPBC Portal Updates

Recently the Department underwent an ICT network transition. If you are an existing user and did not sign into the Business Portal or Public Portal prior to the 13 December 2024, you will need to sign up again as a new user. To view your projects, you must register using the same email address as previously used.

Please direct any questions to the Referrals Gateway at EPBC.Referrals@dcceew.gov.au or 1800 423 135.
The Offsets Register is a register of projects approved since the commencement of the EPBC Act in 2000 that have offset conditions.
Offset conditions can include both direct offsets (where a physical site is provided as an offset) and indirect offsets (such as research programs and financial contributions).
Specific information about the offsets (including Offset Names and Offset Sites) will be reviewed before being made available to ensure that information on sensitive Indigenous and cultural heritage sites, specific locations of sensitive protected matters and personal information is withheld from publication.
The release of Offset Names and Offset Sites will occur in stages between February and December 2023.
To see the project offset conditions, use the search boxes then select the EPBC number in the search results. Offset conditions are listed under the Offset Conditions tab.
A full list of approval conditions for each project can be found on the Approval decision notice and/or subsequent Variation of approval decision notice/s. Decision notices are available for download via the Decision Notices tab.
See Environmental offsets guidance for more information about EPBC Act offsets.

See Offsets heatmap for distribution of EPBC Act Offset sites.
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